Sunday, March 9, 2008

I got tagged!

So I finally get around to reading blogs of my friends and whadya know, I got tagged by the one and only Ginger! How cool is that!! And there's rules!!!

* Link to your tagger and post these 3 rules on your blog.*
Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.* (Okay considering I have run of the mouth disease and share everything about me with everyone, I think I may have to dredge up oddball things from my youth -- mmm and then again maybe not!
Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog (course, if you're like me and don't know 7, then make it up as you go! LOL!)

1. I don't do horror films - last horror film I saw was Carrie and I only saw that cuz John Travolta was in it (and he actually had real hair then, not that helmet thing he has now).
2. I saw Saturday Night Fever 9 times at the theater ... okay so have I explained about the Travolta fetish in my youth yet? I tell ya, that is WEIRD!
3. My parents took me to horseback riding lessons at Pickwick Stables in Griffith Park when I was little. I always went just as far as the "trot" command because as soon as the horse trotted, I bounced out of the saddle, fell on my ass and refused, in tears, to get back on. This routine obviously had to be changed when I got my own horse in the late 1980's. Course, it took me a year to actually ride her - I told people I just had a REALLY big horse-dog!
4. When I was little I had to go to a French daycare ... I don't remember much except for the fact they had applesauce they would make you eat. To this day, I HATE applesauce with a passion.
5. I went to school in England for several months in 1971. Talk about culture shock. I was behind, called a yank and basically had a horrible time. My aunt would rescue me on a weekly basis. But I would love the opportunity to live thereit as an adult.
6. I'm actually starting to cook a little more, but get stumped with everyday stuff. But show me a crockpot and I'm your buddy!
7. To this day, I wish I would have gone to college.

okay not sure I know how to link you to other blogs but here is who I tag: Dani (speed!) speed's zone, Mo { got blog? } , Susan Creative Destination , Kathy L., my sister Marie (ha ha see what happens when you enter blogland!) Couch Clan Idaho ! and uhhhh I need to find some people with blogs! LOL!

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