Friday, September 14, 2007

Weekend Plans - Finally Scrapping!

What a LONG week at work - I'm so glad to see Friday evening! This week I had Boy Scout leaders training Wednesday night. Hubby told me the location had these nice padded chairs -- well, they did, but the only people seated in them were the people leading the class. The rest of us sat in hard, plastic, icky chairs and were bored out of our minds for over 2 1/2 hours. Why BSA hasn't put this class online is beyond me, but they surely need to. Thursday was Scout meeting night ... this is not the first time that Brian has opted to stay home while we go off to the meeting (something is seriously askew with that picture huh?). Anyway, El had his ASM duties and I had to take the minutes of the parent meeting ... and to top it all off we ended after the boys were done with their meeting! Funny in an odd sort of way!

Tonight I packed ... and packed for a crop tomorrow. I know I overpack, and I pack without any rhyme or reason - I may use, must use, won't use - what the heck, it all goes in the bag! I KNOW I need to purge stuff ... but its so overwhelming I don't even know where to start! Plus I keep convincing myself I'm going to use this stuff (at least I know I do have the photos in order to do just that - I just need to actually scrap at home)!

Thankfully, El has loaded my car, put air in my tires, the gas tank is full (gag, gulp, sputter at the gas pump - we're back in the $3.05 range again - sigh) and I'm ready to go. Heidi and I will hook up, grab Coffee Bean in the morning and hit the freeway down to Murietta ... yay!!! Honestly, you could point me in a direction with no stuff - as long as the Divas are gonna be there, I'm there! I'm so looking forward to seeing my dear friends and just spending the day laughing and just being in that wonderful moment - truly the best of times.

The Nascar race is Sunday ... I usually spend Sundays after crops in a vegetative state (okay... I'm really sleeping - but doesn't vegetative sound more pathetic than giant couch potato?) Anyway, I hope to stay awake for the race. It the first race in the chase - and our guy Jimmie is in the #1 spot. He starts in the 2nd row - so he's obviously got the speed and car. Afterwards, I'm sure the boys will again play with the NFL ticket thing and attempt to drive me crazy (this would be where I start sleeping!) At one point last week, 8 games were on the TV AT THE SAME TIME ... hello, this isn't the sports bar in Vegas, its our family room! LOL! Oh and competing for the same t.v. space will be the boys' new XBox game - Tiger Woods 2008. I had to leave the room tonight as they were creating characters ... they had the funniest looking players with big ears, eyebrows, funky pink skin - all 3 of us had the giggles! At least it made me go pack!

I ended up watching Holmes on Homes ... ohhhhh my goodness ... ya gotta see this man... I mean show! I swear he's worth moving to Canada and saying 'eh and aboot a lot of the time. Hubba hubba hunky man! He's an awesome contractor - one of those you hope you get when you have work done on your house but sadly usually don't get. Between him and Mike Rowe on Dirty Jobs, manly men have never looked so good (grin!)

Have a great weekend everyone ...

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