Monday, August 27, 2007


Okay, technically, hubster and I are on vacation since last Friday ... we haven't and aren't going anywhere, but boy its just nice to kick back, veg and not have to THINK.

We're taking care of errands (packing up and returning stuff to Dish Network - buh-bye Dish, hello Direct) and going back-to-school shopping which is SO easy with our boy. Basically take him into Kohl's, point him in the men's department and say "shop" ... couple of hours later, we're outta there and all done! Love it! Then hit the shoe store - 2 pairs, a sale and 2 coupons -- good stuff.

Today we bought a new reclining sofa & loveseat (okay, now you know where the EXCESS debt came in on the post below right? LOL) - but in my typical justifiable style, (a) I've hated our current couch since the day we put it in the house, (b) my doctor actually told me that he wants my legs up as much as possible (does this make it a write-off?) and (c) it was a SCREAMING good sale! So, we're excited because it gets delivered on Friday, its uber comfortable, really nice looking and soft microfiber as well. I also tell myself that if we HAD gone on vacation, we would have spent a lot more money than the couch and loveseat cost. And there you go - justifiable debt! Ta-da!!

Finally, to cap off this lovely Monday vacation day - I had a mammogram! Good Golly Miss Molly - its one thing to know one's "girls" are huge, its another thing when you actually see them splayed out on a plate and then bench-pressed in between a vise while a really nice gal tells ya "good job." I had visions of what they'd look like if I lost the amount of weight I'm supposed to lose -- not pretty at all! Still, the mammo is done and considering the Divas and I are going to 2 breast cancer fundraisers in the next 2 months, I was kinda proud of myself for finally following thru on getting it done. My "girls" would probably agree, but they're in recovery at the moment! LOL!

Hubby and son celebrated vacation and bought a new video game ... now I have my choice of aliens being shot at or endless football games that look remarkably real. I won't admit it, but at one point I forgot it was a game and almost cheered ... I am, lest we forget, a dork at heart!

Hope you have a great day :)


Katie said...

Woohoo! Happy Vacation!! And woohoo for the couch, too - I think it's a definite medical deduction! :-)


tm1 said...

Have a great vacation! I really want to replace our couch & love seat but I don't have a good justification.

kimble said...

Take some pics of that comfy new couch and chair when you get it Trish!

Susan said...

Hope you guys are enjoying your vacation. So happy to see some posts from ya!!! Let me know what you think of Direct? I'm not happy with cable...Congrats on getting a new sofa and a sale!!!!

Glad you went to get your mammy...never fun but it has to be done! See you soon!!!!