Sunday, October 21, 2007

So where did this month go to?

So, I FINALLY check my blog and see my last post was October 4th.
Its now October 21st - how on earth did that happen?

I know I lost a lot of time simply because the charming kidney stones came back with a vengence, and I didn't want to do anything at all with anyone at any time! LOL Anyway, after a couple of lost weekends, I seem to be back to Trish's version of "normal" this weekend. And (woohoo) I've even had some diet vanilla coke (I know, I know, but geez, its diet coke and it calls me!) but I've learned to balance - have a diet coke, then crystal light to wash it thru those mean, stone-producing kidneys of mine! And thanks to some advice from my "island" friend Karen, I'm including a lot of orange juice. Acidic drinks are my friend! (grin)

So here's a quick rundown of what I would have posted about had I not resembled a pathetic mound on the couch ....

(Speed - this one is for you!) Talledega race ... only ABC could make this race boring and teamed with the COT, its turned into a virtual slumber fest. NASCAR needs to fix this. When Jr. got out of the car and said how bored he was (and he's driving), there's a problem. Ack. I did like the finish - Jeff is definitely on the fast track to a championship. Last weekend was the Lowe's race - Jimmie shoulda, woulda, but apparently couldn'ta! But Jeff, now in full Chase mode, won another race which brings him closer to another championship. He is, as they say, on fire! I read online today that Rusty Wallace is gone, gone, gone from the ABC booth so we'll see if that improves, but I really don't think he was "the" problem. Basically, ABC just needs to hire the Fox Nascar crew for the season and then it will be fixed! Boogity, Boogity, Boogity, bring back Darryl Waltrip boys!

(and now for the non-racing news!!)

Brian has found something at school to be excited about - working on the stagecraft crew! Oh my gosh - I think this is the most excited I've seen him about school in ages! This entire week he has gone to school at 7:15 (he prefers to drive with Dad in the mornings cuz he said he isn't late that way - harumph). Most days he is in class until 5pm, but this week his 8th & 9th stagecraft class didn't end until 9pm each night since they were in rehearsals for a play this weekend. I was very worried about the hours, and the balance of homework, etc., yet Brian just rose to the occasion. He had a blast, he was exhausted, and he loved every darn moment of it. He thinks the actors are totally cool, the crew is cool, everything is so darn cool! Well, except me most of the time! Brian's friends think I'm very cool which makes him question the sanity of his friends! LOL! They got the news last night after the final show that they have been asked to present the same play at a local middle school. Brian was asked to participate and is just thrilled.

The big eye opener this week was realizing that other parents simply don't think their child needs to eat - despite the child asking for dinner while having a similar school schedule and working until 9pm with Brian. Brian's friend's parents told their son "we're busy" so he wasn't going to get any food. What the heck is up with that? So, 3 days this week, I picked up dinner for him and Brian. I then found out the boy's parents were too "busy" to pick their son up at school at 9pm and expected him to walk home. He lives at the east end of Simi ... approx. 5-6 miles from the school. He didn't walk home - that is just unacceptable to me. The last time I drove him home, their car was in the driveway. Busy, busy, uh-huh sure.

(and now a little proud parent moment) Brian went to an "after show" dinner with his tech crew at Denny's. He wanted to be sure he had enough money to tip the waitress. He even called me to verify how much he should tip and said okay, he had enough. Yesterday, he told me that the waitress told him he was one of the nicest, most polite young men she had served (and that was before the tip!) I tell ya - you hope and hope that some of what you teach sticks ya know, and when you hear something like this, it fills up those reserve tanks that get depleted with all the "but Mom, you don't understand" arguments!

Grocery shopping - is anyone else noticing the prices? Yikes! It finally got me back into couponing this week and shopping the specials. So our fridge, freezer and cupboards are packed (and dare I say it - we even bought lots of healthy stuff) and hopefully I can keep up with boring coupons (it was a lot more fun when they would double them without all the restrictions - aah, those were the days!).

Moving out of state - yep, we're still thinking about it. The only thing we seem to lack is a firm destination at this point! We were so positive about Prescott, AZ, but now we wonder if making a living there is indeed feasible. I really hope so, as even with all the growth, its a place we really do love. I've been playing around online and re-checking Oregon as we both loved it up there. I have just decided to adopt this philosophy that when its time, we'll figure it out, make a trip to Prescott and check out employment areas. Until then though, we'll enjoy ourselves here.

I'm hoping to go to a crop on Nov. 3 with Ginger. Its close by and even though most of the divas can't go, it'll be a nice day out and I get to see Ginger, Ginger's Mom and Diva Kathy. Just knowing we can kick back, laugh and focus on scrapping for the day sounds great to me! Meanwhile, I'm planning yet another trip to the Ikea store after realizing that the current set up in my scrapbooking room isn't working and won't work. So, time to take stuff down and store it until we move, and time to put something in that will work. You know I think the money in scrapbooking is in organizational items - none of which seem to work for everyone or for very long so we buy more! (Okay, so maybe they're not used to scrappers having so much stuff!!!) Anyway, regroup and restart, that's my motto!

Have a great week everyone ... and hopefully I'll check back here a little more often!

1 comment:

dannelle said...

that was a nice post. :)

glad that things are better with your kidney stones!!!

i agree, bring darryl waltrip back to commenting on the last few races in the season...that abc crew is lame! the fox crew was the best!!

that is awesome that brian is working on the stagecraft crew and loving it!!! and brian is one of the sweetest people i know! he's awesome!!! you done good, diva trish!! :)

i'm sorry i won't be able to meet you nov 3rd at ginger's crop. :( i'll be coming back from vegas that day and i think i will be wiped out, but would love to plan another day with you and the divas! here or close to you, have you checked out that store near you?

have a great week!!! be safe!!
