Monday, October 22, 2007

Fires and the Winds - never a good mix

The winds are unbelieveable and so many fires are going it seems no matter where you look there's smoke and ash.

My friend Marie's husband Tom is up flying his water dropping helicopter for L.A. County today - he was on the job until 2am this morning. How he flies in this wind, and then gets the water dropped right on the spot where its supposed to go is simply amazing. Meanwhile, my friend's mom's neighbor's house burned to the ground last night out in Canyon Country; thankfully her Mom's home was spared. Tom did a flyover and checked on it for her so she could rest easier too.

Meanwhile my friend Heidi is in escrow for a home that has now been ordered for voluntary evacuation. She says that maybe closing escrow now isn't such a good idea! Oh my.

For those in the area of these fires or for those who are fighting them or have loved ones fighting them - be safe.


dannelle said...

these fires and winds are insane!!!! i hope you and your family are ok. i know you guys are close but not sure how close. take care friend!!!

dannelle said...

is this diva heidi? :O please give her a hug from me! i hope she doesn't have to evacuate! these fires are scary!!! :O