Today, I'm starting with with one of my favorite t.v. shows that I record every weekday. I used to record Dr. Phil, but the message got old, the guests were still stupid, and honestly, it was depressing! Then one day I was home and caught Ellen - oh my gosh! What an energy boost! I was so darn HAPPY when I watched her show. It was so nice to sit and smile, giggle and relax during a show and I actually felt good after watching it. Ellen is sheer joy to watch. So now I come home, sometimes stressed, sometimes not. But for 45 minutes I can watch Ellen (instead of the news) and my cheeks actually hurt from smiling to much. Ellen is good for you! Better than vitamins even!

The other day Ellen had Dr. Wayne Dyer on as a guest. He remarked on the 4 Virtues that he had written about in a book several years ago and I think they're very timely considering the state of the nation, world and planet. They are:
(1) Have a REVERENCE for all of life and show respect for all living beings. See the unfolding of God in them, rather than you sitting in judgment and tut-tutting about them.
(2) Live a natural sincerity meaning honesty as a human being - be true to yourself.
(2) Live a natural sincerity meaning honesty as a human being - be true to yourself.
(3) Service for all of your life. Make an effort and get out there and spend your life doing something for others instead of thinking "what's in it for me". Instead of wanting to attract something to me, for me ask yourself what you can attract for someone else's life - how can you make a difference.
(4) Gentleness - extend kindness to others instead of passing judgment on them. The doors of life will not open if you are wanting something to satisfy your own ego, rather than a higher source.
Finally, if you have trouble relaxing before you sleep and spend those last few moments worrying about things you need to do, can't control, what's wrong, what you don't like or what you're missing out on out there - STOP.
Now take a deep breath and instead focus on how you want your life to look - the BIG picture - feel the power of POSITIVE thoughts and the calm that comes with it. These are the things we should be thinking about - not whether our 401k will take another hit. You know what - the stock market will fall, its going to happen and we can't control it. What we CAN control though is how we feel about it.
Next Tuesday our country takes steps in a new, positive direction. Imagine if we ALL had the positive thoughts to go along with it -- think of what we could achieve - awesome huh?
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