Well, here it is, Day 2 of what is officially the new season of T.V.
All the new shows look great and "must see t.v." when they show the commercials. Then you sit down to watch them and wonder what on earth were these people thinking!
Monday evening was a great start though with the return of Heroes and Dancing with the Stars. Yes, DVR's are your friend (waving to Kathy out there) and this is the time of year it is used a LOT!
Tonight is Dancing with the Stars and Biggest Loser (I do believe in the weight loss fairy - she's just late is all) !
However, tonight was also the night Brian got to pick up his pre-ordered video game, Halo3. He bought it with Christmas money and made me go into the store with him as you had to be over 17 to buy it. The clerk didn't even ask how old he was, but Brian pointed to me and said "that's my Mom so its okay I get it." Love it :)

Anyway, he is giggling away as he shoots what can only be described as really ugly Travelocity gnomes on steriods who run amock and sound just like Ewoks on helium!
And this is, as they say, entertainment! I will say the graphics are wickedly cool, but I think my carpel tunnel and arthritis would give me fits if I went to battle against the killer gnomes (and ummm lost!)
Hope everyone has a nice, peaceful evening ... I get my t.v. back in 20 minutes!
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