Well, I'm here.
I'm standing near the start line. For those who are familiar with Nascar racing, the command to Start your Engines has just been shouted! Now to wait for the green flag!
I am officially scheduled for weight loss surgery at the end of December. I have researched methods of surgery, locations, doctors - you name it, I've checked it, read about it, printed it, memorized it and even dreamt about it. I have checked so many BMI calculators (and yup, you'll be happy to know they all say the same darn thing -- irritating things, should be banned); weighed myself on the mega scale I had to have - no getting around THAT number ... but I know that its the last time I'll see THAT number so off with its head!
SO with all that said and my humor a bit wonky but still firing ... I'm ready!
I admit that I wasn't quite so ready for the emotional roller coaster that picked me up! I came home on a total high from meeting my surgeon (who answered every question, had no ego, and just put me totally at ease) on Saturday, and I have been up and down to extremes ever since. As I told El tonight, I might have to to back on prozac for awhile in order to protect those around me! Ack!
Brian told me tonight he is so proud of me for making this decision ... my darling hubby is my rock. He just thinks it will be fabulous to have me next to him in bed instead of piles of laundry! Course, I may have to get some Downy perfume so he doesn't miss the laundry, but we'll cross that road when we get there!
To those who have listened to me lose my mind these last couple of days - thank you from the bottom of my fat little heart! I promise I'm going to get a handle on this ... but just knowing you're there is so unbelievably comforting. When I start to lose it, I think of all of you and what you all mean ... I am blessed to be surrounded by so much love.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Monday, October 22, 2007
Fires and the Winds - never a good mix
The winds are unbelieveable and so many fires are going it seems no matter where you look there's smoke and ash.
My friend Marie's husband Tom is up flying his water dropping helicopter for L.A. County today - he was on the job until 2am this morning. How he flies in this wind, and then gets the water dropped right on the spot where its supposed to go is simply amazing. Meanwhile, my friend's mom's neighbor's house burned to the ground last night out in Canyon Country; thankfully her Mom's home was spared. Tom did a flyover and checked on it for her so she could rest easier too.
Meanwhile my friend Heidi is in escrow for a home that has now been ordered for voluntary evacuation. She says that maybe closing escrow now isn't such a good idea! Oh my.
For those in the area of these fires or for those who are fighting them or have loved ones fighting them - be safe.
My friend Marie's husband Tom is up flying his water dropping helicopter for L.A. County today - he was on the job until 2am this morning. How he flies in this wind, and then gets the water dropped right on the spot where its supposed to go is simply amazing. Meanwhile, my friend's mom's neighbor's house burned to the ground last night out in Canyon Country; thankfully her Mom's home was spared. Tom did a flyover and checked on it for her so she could rest easier too.
Meanwhile my friend Heidi is in escrow for a home that has now been ordered for voluntary evacuation. She says that maybe closing escrow now isn't such a good idea! Oh my.
For those in the area of these fires or for those who are fighting them or have loved ones fighting them - be safe.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
So where did this month go to?
So, I FINALLY check my blog and see my last post was October 4th.
Its now October 21st - how on earth did that happen?
I know I lost a lot of time simply because the charming kidney stones came back with a vengence, and I didn't want to do anything at all with anyone at any time! LOL Anyway, after a couple of lost weekends, I seem to be back to Trish's version of "normal" this weekend. And (woohoo) I've even had some diet vanilla coke (I know, I know, but geez, its diet coke and it calls me!) but I've learned to balance - have a diet coke, then crystal light to wash it thru those mean, stone-producing kidneys of mine! And thanks to some advice from my "island" friend Karen, I'm including a lot of orange juice. Acidic drinks are my friend! (grin)
So here's a quick rundown of what I would have posted about had I not resembled a pathetic mound on the couch ....
(Speed - this one is for you!) Talledega race ... only ABC could make this race boring and teamed with the COT, its turned into a virtual slumber fest. NASCAR needs to fix this. When Jr. got out of the car and said how bored he was (and he's driving), there's a problem. Ack. I did like the finish - Jeff is definitely on the fast track to a championship. Last weekend was the Lowe's race - Jimmie shoulda, woulda, but apparently couldn'ta! But Jeff, now in full Chase mode, won another race which brings him closer to another championship. He is, as they say, on fire! I read online today that Rusty Wallace is gone, gone, gone from the ABC booth so we'll see if that improves, but I really don't think he was "the" problem. Basically, ABC just needs to hire the Fox Nascar crew for the season and then it will be fixed! Boogity, Boogity, Boogity, bring back Darryl Waltrip boys!
(and now for the non-racing news!!)
Brian has found something at school to be excited about - working on the stagecraft crew! Oh my gosh - I think this is the most excited I've seen him about school in ages! This entire week he has gone to school at 7:15 (he prefers to drive with Dad in the mornings cuz he said he isn't late that way - harumph). Most days he is in class until 5pm, but this week his 8th & 9th stagecraft class didn't end until 9pm each night since they were in rehearsals for a play this weekend. I was very worried about the hours, and the balance of homework, etc., yet Brian just rose to the occasion. He had a blast, he was exhausted, and he loved every darn moment of it. He thinks the actors are totally cool, the crew is cool, everything is so darn cool! Well, except me most of the time! Brian's friends think I'm very cool which makes him question the sanity of his friends! LOL! They got the news last night after the final show that they have been asked to present the same play at a local middle school. Brian was asked to participate and is just thrilled.
The big eye opener this week was realizing that other parents simply don't think their child needs to eat - despite the child asking for dinner while having a similar school schedule and working until 9pm with Brian. Brian's friend's parents told their son "we're busy" so he wasn't going to get any food. What the heck is up with that? So, 3 days this week, I picked up dinner for him and Brian. I then found out the boy's parents were too "busy" to pick their son up at school at 9pm and expected him to walk home. He lives at the east end of Simi ... approx. 5-6 miles from the school. He didn't walk home - that is just unacceptable to me. The last time I drove him home, their car was in the driveway. Busy, busy, uh-huh sure.
(and now a little proud parent moment) Brian went to an "after show" dinner with his tech crew at Denny's. He wanted to be sure he had enough money to tip the waitress. He even called me to verify how much he should tip and said okay, he had enough. Yesterday, he told me that the waitress told him he was one of the nicest, most polite young men she had served (and that was before the tip!) I tell ya - you hope and hope that some of what you teach sticks ya know, and when you hear something like this, it fills up those reserve tanks that get depleted with all the "but Mom, you don't understand" arguments!
Grocery shopping - is anyone else noticing the prices? Yikes! It finally got me back into couponing this week and shopping the specials. So our fridge, freezer and cupboards are packed (and dare I say it - we even bought lots of healthy stuff) and hopefully I can keep up with boring coupons (it was a lot more fun when they would double them without all the restrictions - aah, those were the days!).
Moving out of state - yep, we're still thinking about it. The only thing we seem to lack is a firm destination at this point! We were so positive about Prescott, AZ, but now we wonder if making a living there is indeed feasible. I really hope so, as even with all the growth, its a place we really do love. I've been playing around online and re-checking Oregon as we both loved it up there. I have just decided to adopt this philosophy that when its time, we'll figure it out, make a trip to Prescott and check out employment areas. Until then though, we'll enjoy ourselves here.
I'm hoping to go to a crop on Nov. 3 with Ginger. Its close by and even though most of the divas can't go, it'll be a nice day out and I get to see Ginger, Ginger's Mom and Diva Kathy. Just knowing we can kick back, laugh and focus on scrapping for the day sounds great to me! Meanwhile, I'm planning yet another trip to the Ikea store after realizing that the current set up in my scrapbooking room isn't working and won't work. So, time to take stuff down and store it until we move, and time to put something in that will work. You know I think the money in scrapbooking is in organizational items - none of which seem to work for everyone or for very long so we buy more! (Okay, so maybe they're not used to scrappers having so much stuff!!!) Anyway, regroup and restart, that's my motto!
Have a great week everyone ... and hopefully I'll check back here a little more often!
Its now October 21st - how on earth did that happen?
I know I lost a lot of time simply because the charming kidney stones came back with a vengence, and I didn't want to do anything at all with anyone at any time! LOL Anyway, after a couple of lost weekends, I seem to be back to Trish's version of "normal" this weekend. And (woohoo) I've even had some diet vanilla coke (I know, I know, but geez, its diet coke and it calls me!) but I've learned to balance - have a diet coke, then crystal light to wash it thru those mean, stone-producing kidneys of mine! And thanks to some advice from my "island" friend Karen, I'm including a lot of orange juice. Acidic drinks are my friend! (grin)
So here's a quick rundown of what I would have posted about had I not resembled a pathetic mound on the couch ....
(Speed - this one is for you!) Talledega race ... only ABC could make this race boring and teamed with the COT, its turned into a virtual slumber fest. NASCAR needs to fix this. When Jr. got out of the car and said how bored he was (and he's driving), there's a problem. Ack. I did like the finish - Jeff is definitely on the fast track to a championship. Last weekend was the Lowe's race - Jimmie shoulda, woulda, but apparently couldn'ta! But Jeff, now in full Chase mode, won another race which brings him closer to another championship. He is, as they say, on fire! I read online today that Rusty Wallace is gone, gone, gone from the ABC booth so we'll see if that improves, but I really don't think he was "the" problem. Basically, ABC just needs to hire the Fox Nascar crew for the season and then it will be fixed! Boogity, Boogity, Boogity, bring back Darryl Waltrip boys!
(and now for the non-racing news!!)
Brian has found something at school to be excited about - working on the stagecraft crew! Oh my gosh - I think this is the most excited I've seen him about school in ages! This entire week he has gone to school at 7:15 (he prefers to drive with Dad in the mornings cuz he said he isn't late that way - harumph). Most days he is in class until 5pm, but this week his 8th & 9th stagecraft class didn't end until 9pm each night since they were in rehearsals for a play this weekend. I was very worried about the hours, and the balance of homework, etc., yet Brian just rose to the occasion. He had a blast, he was exhausted, and he loved every darn moment of it. He thinks the actors are totally cool, the crew is cool, everything is so darn cool! Well, except me most of the time!
The big eye opener this week was realizing that other parents simply don't think their child needs to eat - despite the child asking for dinner while having a similar school schedule and working until 9pm with Brian. Brian's friend's parents told their son "we're busy" so he wasn't going to get any food. What the heck is up with that? So, 3 days this week, I picked up dinner for him and Brian. I then found out the boy's parents were too "busy" to pick their son up at school at 9pm and expected him to walk home. He lives at the east end of Simi ... approx. 5-6 miles from the school. He didn't walk home - that is just unacceptable to me. The last time I drove him home, their car was in the driveway. Busy, busy, uh-huh sure.
(and now a little proud parent moment) Brian went to an "after show" dinner with his tech crew at Denny's. He wanted to be sure he had enough money to tip the waitress. He even called me to verify how much he should tip and said okay, he had enough. Yesterday, he told me that the waitress told him he was one of the nicest, most polite young men she had served (and that was before the tip!) I tell ya - you hope and hope that some of what you teach sticks ya know, and when you hear something like this, it fills up those reserve tanks that get depleted with all the "but Mom, you don't understand" arguments!
Grocery shopping - is anyone else noticing the prices? Yikes! It finally got me back into couponing this week and shopping the specials. So our fridge, freezer and cupboards are packed (and dare I say it - we even bought lots of healthy stuff) and hopefully I can keep up with boring coupons (it was a lot more fun when they would double them without all the restrictions - aah, those were the days!).
Moving out of state - yep, we're still thinking about it. The only thing we seem to lack is a firm destination at this point! We were so positive about Prescott, AZ, but now we wonder if making a living there is indeed feasible. I really hope so, as even with all the growth, its a place we really do love. I've been playing around online and re-checking Oregon as we both loved it up there. I have just decided to adopt this philosophy that when its time, we'll figure it out, make a trip to Prescott and check out employment areas. Until then though, we'll enjoy ourselves here.
I'm hoping to go to a crop on Nov. 3 with Ginger. Its close by and even though most of the divas can't go, it'll be a nice day out and I get to see Ginger, Ginger's Mom and Diva Kathy. Just knowing we can kick back, laugh and focus on scrapping for the day sounds great to me! Meanwhile, I'm planning yet another trip to the Ikea store after realizing that the current set up in my scrapbooking room isn't working and won't work. So, time to take stuff down and store it until we move, and time to put something in that will work. You know I think the money in scrapbooking is in organizational items - none of which seem to work for everyone or for very long so we buy more! (Okay, so maybe they're not used to scrappers having so much stuff!!!) Anyway, regroup and restart, that's my motto!
Have a great week everyone ... and hopefully I'll check back here a little more often!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
It's Almost Here ...
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
New TV shows vs. New Video Game!
Well, here it is, Day 2 of what is officially the new season of T.V.
All the new shows look great and "must see t.v." when they show the commercials. Then you sit down to watch them and wonder what on earth were these people thinking!
Monday evening was a great start though with the return of Heroes and Dancing with the Stars. Yes, DVR's are your friend (waving to Kathy out there) and this is the time of year it is used a LOT!
Tonight is Dancing with the Stars and Biggest Loser (I do believe in the weight loss fairy - she's just late is all) !
However, tonight was also the night Brian got to pick up his pre-ordered video game, Halo3. He bought it with Christmas money and made me go into the store with him as you had to be over 17 to buy it. The clerk didn't even ask how old he was, but Brian pointed to me and said "that's my Mom so its okay I get it." Love it :)

Anyway, he is giggling away as he shoots what can only be described as really ugly Travelocity gnomes on steriods who run amock and sound just like Ewoks on helium!
And this is, as they say, entertainment! I will say the graphics are wickedly cool, but I think my carpel tunnel and arthritis would give me fits if I went to battle against the killer gnomes (and ummm lost!)
Hope everyone has a nice, peaceful evening ... I get my t.v. back in 20 minutes!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Its Our Anniversary!
Today is our 27th wedding anniversary! woohoo!
Today is that one day each year where we get to say "we made it another year". For all the naysayers and poopie-heads who said we were too young and we wouldn't last, not to mention several tacos short of a combo plate, we collectively blow a giant raspberry! Yup, we're damn proud of our little selves making it to this point! I can honestly say I love my hubby more than the day I married him - not because he's handsomer or weathered (or whatever the politically correct term is for older!), its because he's still the GUY - that one person for me. I am still, unashamedly, in love with him.
So here's to us and hopefully many more years of being "weathered" together.
Today is that one day each year where we get to say "we made it another year". For all the naysayers and poopie-heads who said we were too young and we wouldn't last, not to mention several tacos short of a combo plate, we collectively blow a giant raspberry! Yup, we're damn proud of our little selves making it to this point! I can honestly say I love my hubby more than the day I married him - not because he's handsomer or weathered (or whatever the politically correct term is for older!), its because he's still the GUY - that one person for me. I am still, unashamedly, in love with him.
So here's to us and hopefully many more years of being "weathered" together.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
My Boyz & An Evening with Friends
I went out to dinner tonight with two of my dearest friends. We went to Johnny Carino's. For the record the food was very good, but we all though it was very odd that bruschetta was not on the menu.
I think we'd probably get together more often if our lives weren't so busy with family, schools, sports, etc. Yet, there's always this moment where I pause, take it all in and realize "oh hey, we made it happen - yay". And then of course, the evening races along. So, Lori and Jackie - this is for you :)
And since I have this photo thing sorta figured out, I'm putting a recent photo of my guys up. This was taken last month on Santa Rosa Island on a great Troop 605 Scout outing. Everyone on the trip had such a good time - lots of hiking, photo ops and great nature sites (including elk).
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Tuesday musings
Well, its Tuesday and I survived my atrocious packing job for the crop and actually completed some very basic layouts of an entire scouting event (its a 2006 event, but its sorta done). Now I just need to add the embellishments, titles, journaling ... oh dear... well, the photos are on the paper!
My hubby called me at the crop on Saturday to tell me that he had won a blue ribbon for photography at the scout event that day. He was SO cute and I have to say the photo IS beautiful (I'll have to remember to post it tonight). So now I get to make a layout of his photo and his ribbon! How fun! He always makes sure he takes a lot of photos of each event he goes to so that I have lots to keep me busy in the future!
True to form, I slept most of the day on Sunday. For the life of me I can't figure out why I'm so exhausted after a crop, but the day after strongly resembles a really sad hangover! Heidi and I managed to take the wrong freeway home ... so we saw much more of Riverside than a person should at 11:00 pm! I was home just before midnight though so that's about par for the course.
My hubby called me at the crop on Saturday to tell me that he had won a blue ribbon for photography at the scout event that day. He was SO cute and I have to say the photo IS beautiful (I'll have to remember to post it tonight). So now I get to make a layout of his photo and his ribbon! How fun! He always makes sure he takes a lot of photos of each event he goes to so that I have lots to keep me busy in the future!
True to form, I slept most of the day on Sunday. For the life of me I can't figure out why I'm so exhausted after a crop, but the day after strongly resembles a really sad hangover! Heidi and I managed to take the wrong freeway home ... so we saw much more of Riverside than a person should at 11:00 pm! I was home just before midnight though so that's about par for the course.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Weekend Plans - Finally Scrapping!
What a LONG week at work - I'm so glad to see Friday evening! This week I had Boy Scout leaders training Wednesday night. Hubby told me the location had these nice padded chairs -- well, they did, but the only people seated in them were the people leading the class. The rest of us sat in hard, plastic, icky chairs and were bored out of our minds for over 2 1/2 hours. Why BSA hasn't put this class online is beyond me, but they surely need to. Thursday was Scout meeting night ... this is not the first time that Brian has opted to stay home while we go off to the meeting (something is seriously askew with that picture huh?). Anyway, El had his ASM duties and I had to take the minutes of the parent meeting ... and to top it all off we ended after the boys were done with their meeting! Funny in an odd sort of way!
Tonight I packed ... and packed for a crop tomorrow. I know I overpack, and I pack without any rhyme or reason - I may use, must use, won't use - what the heck, it all goes in the bag! I KNOW I need to purge stuff ... but its so overwhelming I don't even know where to start! Plus I keep convincing myself I'm going to use this stuff (at least I know I do have the photos in order to do just that - I just need to actually scrap at home)!
Thankfully, El has loaded my car, put air in my tires, the gas tank is full (gag, gulp, sputter at the gas pump - we're back in the $3.05 range again - sigh) and I'm ready to go. Heidi and I will hook up, grab Coffee Bean in the morning and hit the freeway down to Murietta ... yay!!! Honestly, you could point me in a direction with no stuff - as long as the Divas are gonna be there, I'm there! I'm so looking forward to seeing my dear friends and just spending the day laughing and just being in that wonderful moment - truly the best of times.
The Nascar race is Sunday ... I usually spend Sundays after crops in a vegetative state (okay... I'm really sleeping - but doesn't vegetative sound more pathetic than giant couch potato?) Anyway, I hope to stay awake for the race. It the first race in the chase - and our guy Jimmie is in the #1 spot. He starts in the 2nd row - so he's obviously got the speed and car. Afterwards, I'm sure the boys will again play with the NFL ticket thing and attempt to drive me crazy (this would be where I start sleeping!) At one point last week, 8 games were on the TV AT THE SAME TIME ... hello, this isn't the sports bar in Vegas, its our family room! LOL! Oh and competing for the same t.v. space will be the boys' new XBox game - Tiger Woods 2008. I had to leave the room tonight as they were creating characters ... they had the funniest looking players with big ears, eyebrows, funky pink skin - all 3 of us had the giggles! At least it made me go pack!
I ended up watching Holmes on Homes ... ohhhhh my goodness ... ya gotta see this man... I mean show! I swear he's worth moving to Canada and saying 'eh and aboot a lot of the time. Hubba hubba hunky man! He's an awesome contractor - one of those you hope you get when you have work done on your house but sadly usually don't get. Between him and Mike Rowe on Dirty Jobs, manly men have never looked so good (grin!)
Have a great weekend everyone ...
Tonight I packed ... and packed for a crop tomorrow. I know I overpack, and I pack without any rhyme or reason - I may use, must use, won't use - what the heck, it all goes in the bag! I KNOW I need to purge stuff ... but its so overwhelming I don't even know where to start! Plus I keep convincing myself I'm going to use this stuff (at least I know I do have the photos in order to do just that - I just need to actually scrap at home)!
Thankfully, El has loaded my car, put air in my tires, the gas tank is full (gag, gulp, sputter at the gas pump - we're back in the $3.05 range again - sigh) and I'm ready to go. Heidi and I will hook up, grab Coffee Bean in the morning and hit the freeway down to Murietta ... yay!!! Honestly, you could point me in a direction with no stuff - as long as the Divas are gonna be there, I'm there! I'm so looking forward to seeing my dear friends and just spending the day laughing and just being in that wonderful moment - truly the best of times.
The Nascar race is Sunday ... I usually spend Sundays after crops in a vegetative state (okay... I'm really sleeping - but doesn't vegetative sound more pathetic than giant couch potato?) Anyway, I hope to stay awake for the race. It the first race in the chase - and our guy Jimmie is in the #1 spot. He starts in the 2nd row - so he's obviously got the speed and car. Afterwards, I'm sure the boys will again play with the NFL ticket thing and attempt to drive me crazy (this would be where I start sleeping!) At one point last week, 8 games were on the TV AT THE SAME TIME ... hello, this isn't the sports bar in Vegas, its our family room! LOL! Oh and competing for the same t.v. space will be the boys' new XBox game - Tiger Woods 2008. I had to leave the room tonight as they were creating characters ... they had the funniest looking players with big ears, eyebrows, funky pink skin - all 3 of us had the giggles! At least it made me go pack!
I ended up watching Holmes on Homes ... ohhhhh my goodness ... ya gotta see this man... I mean show! I swear he's worth moving to Canada and saying 'eh and aboot a lot of the time. Hubba hubba hunky man! He's an awesome contractor - one of those you hope you get when you have work done on your house but sadly usually don't get. Between him and Mike Rowe on Dirty Jobs, manly men have never looked so good (grin!)
Have a great weekend everyone ...
Monday, September 3, 2007
Going back to work :(
Well, our vacation is officially ending - we are in the last few hours of relaxation before it all starts up again.
The boyz went to California Speedway yesterday to see the Nascar race - bonus was that their favorite driver (#48) won. They had a really good time, drank tons of water and tried to find shade where they could. Best of all was the Question & Answer session fundraiser meeting with Jimmie Johnson (#48) - it was in an air conditioned tent so that was nice for a bit too :) I enjoyed the race as well, but from the comfort of my new couch and with the A/C cranking!
Today has been easy, kickback, relaxing -- I'm so glad we took this time off. Its just been nice and I highly recommend it :)
Oh and speaking of recommendations - go see the Bourne Ultimatim - GREAT movie! What a fun way to spend a couple of hours.
For those that enjoy BBC programming on BBC America, check out Top Gear. There are 3 guys and they do the most hysterical comparisons of cars on this show and then do crazy stunts with them. Its truly funny and we are hooked ! Its very English and just good fun :)
Hope everyone has had a great holiday weekend :)
The boyz went to California Speedway yesterday to see the Nascar race - bonus was that their favorite driver (#48) won. They had a really good time, drank tons of water and tried to find shade where they could. Best of all was the Question & Answer session fundraiser meeting with Jimmie Johnson (#48) - it was in an air conditioned tent so that was nice for a bit too :) I enjoyed the race as well, but from the comfort of my new couch and with the A/C cranking!
Today has been easy, kickback, relaxing -- I'm so glad we took this time off. Its just been nice and I highly recommend it :)
Oh and speaking of recommendations - go see the Bourne Ultimatim - GREAT movie! What a fun way to spend a couple of hours.
For those that enjoy BBC programming on BBC America, check out Top Gear. There are 3 guys and they do the most hysterical comparisons of cars on this show and then do crazy stunts with them. Its truly funny and we are hooked ! Its very English and just good fun :)
Hope everyone has had a great holiday weekend :)
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
The most wonderful day of the year!
First Day of School! Yippee!!!
Our son is a Jr. in High School this year and is actually thrilled to go back. We're glad he's going back too - the boy needs something to do! LOL!
I can remember my first days and being SO nervous every single time, though I started a lot of new schools in new areas and seemed to be that odd gal out. We're thankful that we've stayed in one place and been able to see our son's circle of friends grow each year. Now it looks like hug fest at the school each morning!
This morning we had to have our usual "first day of school" picture ... of course, the days of standing cutely in front of the house and smiling sweetly are way gone. Now, at 16 "photo time" is greeted with "aw come on Mom, I don't hafta" followed by the now customary "I'm NOT smiling" which in turned resorted to my husband standing behind me making funny comments which FINALLY made our son crack up laughing (ha ha, and I got the picture!). Yeesh, the things a Mom has to do! LOL! Of course, this success was short-lived as I was reduced yet again by a wave and "see ya later" instead of a hug goodbye :<
We eagerly both waited to hear about the first day - nothing beats the first day back report. I think its probably the one and only day where all you hear is great, all positive, moving forward, its gonna be a fabulous year news. Then you sit in dread for 9 months waiting for that report card to show up in June - oddly like giving birth to a piece of paper! Its also the one day in the year where our son gets to come home and present us with a pile of papers and say "ha ha you have homework" - I swear he lives for this day! He just sits and giggles which of course has us in giggles. Yes, the first day of school is really, really good!
Our son is a Jr. in High School this year and is actually thrilled to go back. We're glad he's going back too - the boy needs something to do! LOL!
I can remember my first days and being SO nervous every single time, though I started a lot of new schools in new areas and seemed to be that odd gal out. We're thankful that we've stayed in one place and been able to see our son's circle of friends grow each year. Now it looks like hug fest at the school each morning!
This morning we had to have our usual "first day of school" picture ... of course, the days of standing cutely in front of the house and smiling sweetly are way gone. Now, at 16 "photo time" is greeted with "aw come on Mom, I don't hafta" followed by the now customary "I'm NOT smiling" which in turned resorted to my husband standing behind me making funny comments which FINALLY made our son crack up laughing (ha ha, and I got the picture!). Yeesh, the things a Mom has to do! LOL! Of course, this success was short-lived as I was reduced yet again by a wave and "see ya later" instead of a hug goodbye :<
We eagerly both waited to hear about the first day - nothing beats the first day back report. I think its probably the one and only day where all you hear is great, all positive, moving forward, its gonna be a fabulous year news. Then you sit in dread for 9 months waiting for that report card to show up in June - oddly like giving birth to a piece of paper! Its also the one day in the year where our son gets to come home and present us with a pile of papers and say "ha ha you have homework" - I swear he lives for this day! He just sits and giggles which of course has us in giggles. Yes, the first day of school is really, really good!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Okay, technically, hubster and I are on vacation since last Friday ... we haven't and aren't going anywhere, but boy its just nice to kick back, veg and not have to THINK.
We're taking care of errands (packing up and returning stuff to Dish Network - buh-bye Dish, hello Direct) and going back-to-school shopping which is SO easy with our boy. Basically take him into Kohl's, point him in the men's department and say "shop" ... couple of hours later, we're outta there and all done! Love it! Then hit the shoe store - 2 pairs, a sale and 2 coupons -- good stuff.
Today we bought a new reclining sofa & loveseat (okay, now you know where the EXCESS debt came in on the post below right? LOL) - but in my typical justifiable style, (a) I've hated our current couch since the day we put it in the house, (b) my doctor actually told me that he wants my legs up as much as possible (does this make it a write-off?) and (c) it was a SCREAMING good sale! So, we're excited because it gets delivered on Friday, its uber comfortable, really nice looking and soft microfiber as well. I also tell myself that if we HAD gone on vacation, we would have spent a lot more money than the couch and loveseat cost. And there you go - justifiable debt! Ta-da!!
Finally, to cap off this lovely Monday vacation day - I had a mammogram! Good Golly Miss Molly - its one thing to know one's "girls" are huge, its another thing when you actually see them splayed out on a plate and then bench-pressed in between a vise while a really nice gal tells ya "good job." I had visions of what they'd look like if I lost the amount of weight I'm supposed to lose -- not pretty at all! Still, the mammo is done and considering the Divas and I are going to 2 breast cancer fundraisers in the next 2 months, I was kinda proud of myself for finally following thru on getting it done. My "girls" would probably agree, but they're in recovery at the moment! LOL!
Hubby and son celebrated vacation and bought a new video game ... now I have my choice of aliens being shot at or endless football games that look remarkably real. I won't admit it, but at one point I forgot it was a game and almost cheered ... I am, lest we forget, a dork at heart!
Hope you have a great day :)
We're taking care of errands (packing up and returning stuff to Dish Network - buh-bye Dish, hello Direct) and going back-to-school shopping which is SO easy with our boy. Basically take him into Kohl's, point him in the men's department and say "shop" ... couple of hours later, we're outta there and all done! Love it! Then hit the shoe store - 2 pairs, a sale and 2 coupons -- good stuff.
Today we bought a new reclining sofa & loveseat (okay, now you know where the EXCESS debt came in on the post below right? LOL) - but in my typical justifiable style, (a) I've hated our current couch since the day we put it in the house, (b) my doctor actually told me that he wants my legs up as much as possible (does this make it a write-off?) and (c) it was a SCREAMING good sale! So, we're excited because it gets delivered on Friday, its uber comfortable, really nice looking and soft microfiber as well. I also tell myself that if we HAD gone on vacation, we would have spent a lot more money than the couch and loveseat cost. And there you go - justifiable debt! Ta-da!!
Finally, to cap off this lovely Monday vacation day - I had a mammogram! Good Golly Miss Molly - its one thing to know one's "girls" are huge, its another thing when you actually see them splayed out on a plate and then bench-pressed in between a vise while a really nice gal tells ya "good job." I had visions of what they'd look like if I lost the amount of weight I'm supposed to lose -- not pretty at all! Still, the mammo is done and considering the Divas and I are going to 2 breast cancer fundraisers in the next 2 months, I was kinda proud of myself for finally following thru on getting it done. My "girls" would probably agree, but they're in recovery at the moment! LOL!
Hubby and son celebrated vacation and bought a new video game ... now I have my choice of aliens being shot at or endless football games that look remarkably real. I won't admit it, but at one point I forgot it was a game and almost cheered ... I am, lest we forget, a dork at heart!
Hope you have a great day :)
EXCESS --- this word has been rolling around in my head lately. I even wake up at 2am pondering this word and how it affects me and my little family.
The definition online is listed as "the state or an instance of surpassing usual, proper, or specified limits", yet my definition came closer to "too much of something that makes one uncomfortable".
So starting with the obvious, EXCESS weight ... ugh ... definitely over the usual, proper or specified limits and most definitely, makes one (well, me) so uncomfortable. I know this is something I need to do something about, want to do something about, and yet fall into the same daily traps and end up saying "tomorrow". EXCESS sucks!
Then, to humor my Mom, EXCESS scrapbooking supplies.
Do you know how annoying it is to realize that Mom is right yet again? I reached EXCESS in this department many many months ago - we're into capsizing the Titanic at this point. This is where the definition changes to include "too much of something .... that also makes it impossible to function to create." I sit and ponder my desktop (all 3 inches that I can see of it) and wonder where all this stuff came from and what the heck I'm going to do with it! LOL! I have an entire room to scrap in and I can honestly say that NOTHING has come out of that room in at least a year. EXCESS sucks!
EXCESS computer time - nah, won't go there! LOL!
EXCESS debt. The other day on 2Peas there was a discussion in which the question posed was "are you in debt?" After the upteenth post of "nope, everything paid for except the mortgage", someone finally posted that anyone with excess debt (or in the case of that message board, ANY debt) wasn't about to admit it! How true how true! I was getting rather depressed up to that point, but then realized there were a lot of chickens out there like me (yay I have company - we're the ones that keep credit people employed, we keep this country functioning - I am proud! LOL!!) Am I the only one who reads how to get out of debt books and mutters "oh this isn't any fun?" I need to come up with a fun way to get out of debt (no no Mom, having a garage sale while wearing a clown costume while hawking my EXCESS scrapping supplies is NOT on the agenda!). Notice how EXCESS money isn't a problem.
EXCESS is still rolling around in my head ... so let me know if it rolls around in yours now :) (I know, you can thank me later - maybe when you wake up at 2am!)
The definition online is listed as "the state or an instance of surpassing usual, proper, or specified limits", yet my definition came closer to "too much of something that makes one uncomfortable".
So starting with the obvious, EXCESS weight ... ugh ... definitely over the usual, proper or specified limits and most definitely, makes one (well, me) so uncomfortable. I know this is something I need to do something about, want to do something about, and yet fall into the same daily traps and end up saying "tomorrow". EXCESS sucks!
Then, to humor my Mom, EXCESS scrapbooking supplies.
Do you know how annoying it is to realize that Mom is right yet again? I reached EXCESS in this department many many months ago - we're into capsizing the Titanic at this point. This is where the definition changes to include "too much of something .... that also makes it impossible to function to create." I sit and ponder my desktop (all 3 inches that I can see of it) and wonder where all this stuff came from and what the heck I'm going to do with it! LOL! I have an entire room to scrap in and I can honestly say that NOTHING has come out of that room in at least a year. EXCESS sucks!
EXCESS computer time - nah, won't go there! LOL!
EXCESS debt. The other day on 2Peas there was a discussion in which the question posed was "are you in debt?" After the upteenth post of "nope, everything paid for except the mortgage", someone finally posted that anyone with excess debt (or in the case of that message board, ANY debt) wasn't about to admit it! How true how true! I was getting rather depressed up to that point, but then realized there were a lot of chickens out there like me (yay I have company - we're the ones that keep credit people employed, we keep this country functioning - I am proud! LOL!!) Am I the only one who reads how to get out of debt books and mutters "oh this isn't any fun?" I need to come up with a fun way to get out of debt (no no Mom, having a garage sale while wearing a clown costume while hawking my EXCESS scrapping supplies is NOT on the agenda!). Notice how EXCESS money isn't a problem.
EXCESS is still rolling around in my head ... so let me know if it rolls around in yours now :) (I know, you can thank me later - maybe when you wake up at 2am!)
Saturday, July 28, 2007
another new color!
for those following this BSS, by now you're probably saying "geez woman pick a color"! I'm trying!!!
Didn't like poopie green, decided after the car wash that I didn't like dots either. So now we have rose pink. That's better! I think I'm getting to that "happy Trish" zone ... but of course that just may be the mocha ice blended! LOL!
Woohoo - we're off to the airport!!
Didn't like poopie green, decided after the car wash that I didn't like dots either. So now we have rose pink. That's better! I think I'm getting to that "happy Trish" zone ... but of course that just may be the mocha ice blended! LOL!
Woohoo - we're off to the airport!!
A new day - and a new design!
So, I decided that brilliant poopie green was so not my color ... so today we have a new format here at BSS! I think its an improvement - and rearranging this blog certainly beats cleaning my house!
Saturday mornings - they are the BEST! Its quiet here this morning. Birds chirping, bees buzzing, my cats running and sliding across the floors! Its still that lovely cool before someone turns the furnace up to incinerate!
Our Scout Troop has 3 Eagle Projects in the works today and my hubby has run out to assist with one, my son has gone to another and I'm ummm... cleaning. Yeah... cleaning. Whoop dee doo - that held my attention for about 2 minutes and then I got bored! Try not to act so surprised!
Today we're off to LAX to pick up Mom and her playmate (boyfriend). On the way down we're stopping by Tito's Tacos because we have to! If you're ever in the Culver City area, RUN to Tito's - muy magnifico (2 years of Spanish class - I'm so proud!). Anyway, best tacos and burritos on the planet ... yummmmers! Tito's is for lunch tomorrow. Yup, hubby and I are planning ahead.
Tomorrow is NASCAR. Brickyard 400. We will be glued to the TV as this is one of our favorite races - and well, yes, if its Sunday, its NASCAR at our house! Big supporters of the Hendrick's boys - Jimmie and Jeff, and then we also like Tony Stewart as well. I'm really proud of NASCAR for having a tough policy of expected behavior from their participants - and the drivers that are held to its high standards. Screw up and you're out - its a dream career and for every one driver that screws up the deal, there's 10 more waiting in the wings to fill that spot.
I wish that the NFL, MLB and NBA would have stronger policies and enforce them. It seems there are very few players like Brett Favre and Cal Ripken Jr - players who love the game and remember that they are setting an example for young kids. I guess they are out there, but are overshadowed by the bad boys of the sport which is a real shame.
BTW, is anyone really that excited that Barry Bonds is going to break Hank Aaron's record considering the serious allegations of his steriod use? (No really, you can look just like Mr. Hulk naturally!!! HA!) Will he have an asterisk next to his name in the records book too like Roger Marris? One could only hope I suppose. Oh, and to make sure I include the "home team" ... yo Lakers - you traded the wrong guy. Should have kept Shaq and traded Kobe (its all about me) Bryant! What a tool!
Yup, on BSS, there are sport vents from this frustrated fan's point of view - see, a couch potato has an opinion! LOL! Course, those who know me well, know that I ALWAYS have an opinion! hee hee hee
Okay off to the car wash - hey its cleaning right?
Saturday mornings - they are the BEST! Its quiet here this morning. Birds chirping, bees buzzing, my cats running and sliding across the floors! Its still that lovely cool before someone turns the furnace up to incinerate!
Our Scout Troop has 3 Eagle Projects in the works today and my hubby has run out to assist with one, my son has gone to another and I'm ummm... cleaning. Yeah... cleaning. Whoop dee doo - that held my attention for about 2 minutes and then I got bored! Try not to act so surprised!
Today we're off to LAX to pick up Mom and her playmate (boyfriend). On the way down we're stopping by Tito's Tacos because we have to! If you're ever in the Culver City area, RUN to Tito's - muy magnifico (2 years of Spanish class - I'm so proud!). Anyway, best tacos and burritos on the planet ... yummmmers! Tito's is for lunch tomorrow. Yup, hubby and I are planning ahead.
Tomorrow is NASCAR. Brickyard 400. We will be glued to the TV as this is one of our favorite races - and well, yes, if its Sunday, its NASCAR at our house! Big supporters of the Hendrick's boys - Jimmie and Jeff, and then we also like Tony Stewart as well. I'm really proud of NASCAR for having a tough policy of expected behavior from their participants - and the drivers that are held to its high standards. Screw up and you're out - its a dream career and for every one driver that screws up the deal, there's 10 more waiting in the wings to fill that spot.
I wish that the NFL, MLB and NBA would have stronger policies and enforce them. It seems there are very few players like Brett Favre and Cal Ripken Jr - players who love the game and remember that they are setting an example for young kids. I guess they are out there, but are overshadowed by the bad boys of the sport which is a real shame.
BTW, is anyone really that excited that Barry Bonds is going to break Hank Aaron's record considering the serious allegations of his steriod use? (No really, you can look just like Mr. Hulk naturally!!! HA!) Will he have an asterisk next to his name in the records book too like Roger Marris? One could only hope I suppose. Oh, and to make sure I include the "home team" ... yo Lakers - you traded the wrong guy. Should have kept Shaq and traded Kobe (its all about me) Bryant! What a tool!
Yup, on BSS, there are sport vents from this frustrated fan's point of view - see, a couch potato has an opinion! LOL! Course, those who know me well, know that I ALWAYS have an opinion! hee hee hee
Okay off to the car wash - hey its cleaning right?
Friday, July 27, 2007
And so it begins, my blog!
Taking the suggestions of my friends, I'm setting up my first blog. Are blogs like cars? Does one get a new blog when this one is old? Geez... one sentence into this thing and I'm already pondering! I need to get out more!
So, I guess I should explain the title - I love to talk on the computer. I'm sure I'll have arthritis later in my fingers, but for right now - I love being able to open up, discuss anything and everything, laugh out loud at stories and just having that connection with friends across the country and world. Cool stuff!! I love chatting about our lives, kids, frustrations, successes with the Hula Divas and the Hula Hotties. They are amazing women and I'm so blessed to have them in my life - you all had me from the adhesive!
I'm a wife to a husband who I still look at 27 years into this gig called marriage and get that warm "is he for real" feeling. (And yes he is!) We have a 15 year old son (16 next month) - who is my other love of my life. He is a great kid - goofy and loving even with all the usual teen stuff. I try very hard to ignore his room - but some days I swear it moves and then I plead, beg and finally demand that it be cleaned!
My Mom (who wants me to write - see Mom, I'm writing!!!) now lives in San Antonio, Texas. Apparently Prescott, Arizona wasn't far enough away from me so she went further out. Sigh. I did notice Mom that you moved after we said we planned to move to Prescott too - I'm trying not to take it personally! LOL! My Dad passed away a few years ago - some days it still doesn't seem real, but it is. I think he'd like this blogging business - there would be a whole lot of places for him to proofread! LOL! (Let me tell you, nothing like a little pressure to get words spelled correctly!)
Actually, Mom has a boyfriend (that's the real reason she moved - at least that's what she tells me) and let me tell ya, adjusting to the fact, your parent has a new playmate can be emotional at times. Part of you just goes "ummm this is rather odd" and the other part realizes that "this is pretty darn cool, good for her". Basically, though, as long as Mom is happy, I'm happy :)
Okay... moving on ... I scrapbook. Hmm... well, I should clarify.
I buy scrapbook STUFF ... lots of scrapbook stuff (and don't tell my hubby, but even I think its too much stuff!).
I love love LOVE going to crops with my cropping group (waving to the Divas) - not much production per crop, but tons of laughs and giggles. They are the best :)
I love collecting stuff online (waving to the Hotties - each day is a laughfest).
Having groups of friends who embrace my OCD and totally understand the feeling of "having to have it all" is quite fun!
Okay so there it is - first entry. Good grief - my husband is going to look at this and have a flashback to letters he used to get from me when we were 15! Pages of I love you SOOOO much ... (grin). He wanted me to name my blog "blah,blah,blog,blog" ... funny guy!
So, I guess I should explain the title - I love to talk on the computer. I'm sure I'll have arthritis later in my fingers, but for right now - I love being able to open up, discuss anything and everything, laugh out loud at stories and just having that connection with friends across the country and world. Cool stuff!! I love chatting about our lives, kids, frustrations, successes with the Hula Divas and the Hula Hotties. They are amazing women and I'm so blessed to have them in my life - you all had me from the adhesive!
I'm a wife to a husband who I still look at 27 years into this gig called marriage and get that warm "is he for real" feeling. (And yes he is!) We have a 15 year old son (16 next month) - who is my other love of my life. He is a great kid - goofy and loving even with all the usual teen stuff. I try very hard to ignore his room - but some days I swear it moves and then I plead, beg and finally demand that it be cleaned!
My Mom (who wants me to write - see Mom, I'm writing!!!) now lives in San Antonio, Texas. Apparently Prescott, Arizona wasn't far enough away from me so she went further out. Sigh. I did notice Mom that you moved after we said we planned to move to Prescott too - I'm trying not to take it personally! LOL! My Dad passed away a few years ago - some days it still doesn't seem real, but it is. I think he'd like this blogging business - there would be a whole lot of places for him to proofread! LOL! (Let me tell you, nothing like a little pressure to get words spelled correctly!)
Actually, Mom has a boyfriend (that's the real reason she moved - at least that's what she tells me) and let me tell ya, adjusting to the fact, your parent has a new playmate can be emotional at times. Part of you just goes "ummm this is rather odd" and the other part realizes that "this is pretty darn cool, good for her". Basically, though, as long as Mom is happy, I'm happy :)
Okay... moving on ... I scrapbook. Hmm... well, I should clarify.
I buy scrapbook STUFF ... lots of scrapbook stuff (and don't tell my hubby, but even I think its too much stuff!).
I love love LOVE going to crops with my cropping group (waving to the Divas) - not much production per crop, but tons of laughs and giggles. They are the best :)
I love collecting stuff online (waving to the Hotties - each day is a laughfest).
Having groups of friends who embrace my OCD and totally understand the feeling of "having to have it all" is quite fun!
Okay so there it is - first entry. Good grief - my husband is going to look at this and have a flashback to letters he used to get from me when we were 15! Pages of I love you SOOOO much ... (grin). He wanted me to name my blog "blah,blah,blog,blog" ... funny guy!
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