Monday, October 6, 2008

Finally ... a new post!

Well, hellooooo! I have no idea where the time goes, but one minute its June and the next, gulp, October!

I spent this past weekend in Vegas, well technically Henderson, but the slogan doesn't sound quite as catchy to say "what happens in Henderson, stays in Henderson" does it? LOL

Anyway, this was Ginger's big event - Inspiration Unlimited 2008! Now Ginger puts on the most awesome crops and classes I know of - she's just SO creative and fun! I remember walking into Ever After one day with Ginger and looking at the ribbon. I'm going "oh that's pretty" and just sorta, ya know, LOOKING at the ribbon. Ginger meanwhile is touching the ribbon - and then you see it - the LOOK, the gleam - and she goes "SEAWEED" and I'm going "seaweed?" and then its like watching a video game puzzle fast forward into place. Sure enough - that night she whips out a layout using this seaweed ribbon and makes Ariel's underwater home ... oh to have a creative brain like that! So she is the force that juggled all the craziness and pulled off one inspirational awesome weekend for over 125 scrappers!

ANYWAY ... going to Inspiration Unlimited was pretty much outside of my normal Scout/Nascar scrapping world. Prior to the event I was sorta worried about how I would do, but the closer it got, the more excited I got to challenge myself, to let myself go and try new things. Oh and I'm SO glad I did!

I also have to shout out to Nance & Monica - my dear island/pirate friends. Nance is a gem - I think we were sisters at some point and then someone in control of the world realized that we better not live in the same state otherwise we'd cause a LOT of trouble together! LOL Monica is such a sweetheart - I hope one day to have as much energy as she does, but I don't think it will ever happen! They decided to make a creative leap into Inspiration Unlimited too! Yay!!!!

For IU, the amazing Ginger rounded up some extraordinary talent!

First off Teresa Collins. I had heard about her for quite some time from several of the Divas, but honestly, can someone be THAT nice, THAT beautiful, THAT creative, and still be someone you want to be friends with? OH YESSSS! Teresa is just amazing! She is genuine and real ... and honestly, listening to her speak during her session had me in tears. I don't know if she realizes just how much she changed me this weekend - she made me realize how important scrapbooking is, how important it is to showcase everyday moments, how something that she creates, SHOULD be tweaked a bit so that your project reflects YOU - and how wonderfull fulfilling it can all be. She is such a positive force in the industry and I hope she continues to succeed and succeed big! I am a HUGE fan and will now be stalking, errrr, reading her blog everyday! That, and I need to set aside some $$ for her product lines! LOL!

Second - Janna Wilson, incredible designer and Fiskars representative. First off, Fiskars needs to build an entire line around this woman! She is Southern Chic personafied ... her project was so unlike anything I had ever thought of trying ... and I found it so creatively challenging (in my head), but yet the way she broke it down step-by-step, even dorky me, artiste o' the paint-by-numbers set, managed to make something beautiful! And then she gave us the supplies for the other project we never got to - generosity definitely was the trademark of this event, and Janna was no exception.

Third - Layle Koncar representing Scenic Route. She's a hoot! Its always great to start a class near the end of the day with the instructor saying "I'm a little punchy" ... booyah, this was gonna be fun! And it was - yet again, another project that I would never even think of tackling, but ended up loving and can't wait to finish.

I shared a table with Monica and Nance, and a lovely woman from Pennsylvania named Mindy. We all just laughed and enjoyed our day. Its so nice to have fun and then make a new friend on top of it. Monica, Nance and I didn't have enough hours because by the end of the day I was basically so far on empty it wasn't even funny! I swear our hotel room had to be the furthest point from anything and technically still be on hotel property - barely!

The Divas - Star, Susan and Dani were at the other end of the classroom (talk about feeling nervous - I really had to take a deep breath once I realized it and remind myself that I could "do this" without looking like a deer in headlights); Diva Kathy and her family were at the next table over from us - my security blanket! They were over-achievers in Layle's class - we were ummm slower! LOL. Diva Mo was one of Ginger's assistants the entire weekend so the Divas were very well represented. It was nice to have us together again ... I love them dearly and I hope they realize how important they are in my life - we cheer and support each other, share laughs and hugs, they are just awesome, powerful, strong women and I am just so blessed to know and love them (see, more tears!)

More later ...


Jun Bug House said...

You are a sweet, loving, caring, smart and talented woman.
Your major talent may not lie in being able to see "seaweed" in a ribbon, but your talents are there and the ones that know you and love you, know it.
We just will keep on working n, showing you them.
Hugs and thank you asking me to come to UI and for putting up with me.
I lub you very much!

kimble said...

Trish - I am so happy for you! And so jealous you met Nance and Monica in person! I wish I could have been there :)