Saturday, July 19, 2008

Our Miss Molly Brat

So this is Miss Molly after she broke her toe. Yup, her TOE. Everyone loved her bright pink collar and leash (so cute) so she got a bright pink bandage at her favorite vet's office and we toddled home. She was so grateful that she pooped in my recently detailed SUV. Sigh. Sometimes it just doesn't pay to get up in the morning!

Anyway, since cuteness works with this girl, we got over the poop episode (okay so it took a few days), but have to admit she did make a pretty darn adorable peg-legged pink ballerina.
The photo on the left is the 2nd pink bandaging. Molly tore off the first one. Actually, she shredded it. Harumph. That's when she got the lovely plastic "cone of silence" collar. Molly immediately got a hole in the bottom of the bandage on the left so El put a sock over it and then wrapped that with an Ace bandage. Aha, success! (We thought)
Yesterday, Molly, free for a few moments from the confines of the collar, managed to take the entire bandage and brace off (she brought it to me in her mouth) so once again she and I went driving back to the vet's office.
You know you've been there too many times when everyone grins when you walk in the door (and a faint cha-ching is heard from the cash register). "Hi Molly, oh Molly" ... yeah, Oh Molly is right.
She also decided that she had a new trick to debut at the vet's office - she flopped on her side and didn't/wouldn't get up. I have a petulant 7 month old toddler puppy ... and she is convinced that she is charge. After telling her, in my most "I'm the Mom" voice that she had to get up (she didn't), I dragged her across the floor by the leash - and yes, she let me drag her! All of the other owners with perfectly behaving pets thought Molly was a hoot ... brat yes. Hoot? Not so much!
So today we have a small bandage on her paw, she's LIVING in the collar thank you very much, and we wonder how on earth we're going to survive 5 more weeks of this adventure. And meanwhile the vet's office is now calling - heck, they probably missed my credit card being swiped thru their machine today!

1 comment:

Jun Bug House said...

LOL.....Poor Doll Face.
I know how she feels, been there, done that. LOLOLOLOL
OK not really.
Thank you for sharing this story with us.
No one, NO ONE tells a story like you.
Hugs and puppy prayers!