Friday, July 27, 2007

And so it begins, my blog!

Taking the suggestions of my friends, I'm setting up my first blog. Are blogs like cars? Does one get a new blog when this one is old? Geez... one sentence into this thing and I'm already pondering! I need to get out more!

So, I guess I should explain the title - I love to talk on the computer. I'm sure I'll have arthritis later in my fingers, but for right now - I love being able to open up, discuss anything and everything, laugh out loud at stories and just having that connection with friends across the country and world. Cool stuff!! I love chatting about our lives, kids, frustrations, successes with the Hula Divas and the Hula Hotties. They are amazing women and I'm so blessed to have them in my life - you all had me from the adhesive!

I'm a wife to a husband who I still look at 27 years into this gig called marriage and get that warm "is he for real" feeling. (And yes he is!) We have a 15 year old son (16 next month) - who is my other love of my life. He is a great kid - goofy and loving even with all the usual teen stuff. I try very hard to ignore his room - but some days I swear it moves and then I plead, beg and finally demand that it be cleaned!

My Mom (who wants me to write - see Mom, I'm writing!!!) now lives in San Antonio, Texas. Apparently Prescott, Arizona wasn't far enough away from me so she went further out. Sigh. I did notice Mom that you moved after we said we planned to move to Prescott too - I'm trying not to take it personally! LOL! My Dad passed away a few years ago - some days it still doesn't seem real, but it is. I think he'd like this blogging business - there would be a whole lot of places for him to proofread! LOL! (Let me tell you, nothing like a little pressure to get words spelled correctly!)

Actually, Mom has a boyfriend (that's the real reason she moved - at least that's what she tells me) and let me tell ya, adjusting to the fact, your parent has a new playmate can be emotional at times. Part of you just goes "ummm this is rather odd" and the other part realizes that "this is pretty darn cool, good for her". Basically, though, as long as Mom is happy, I'm happy :)

Okay... moving on ... I scrapbook. Hmm... well, I should clarify.

I buy scrapbook STUFF ... lots of scrapbook stuff (and don't tell my hubby, but even I think its too much stuff!).

I love love LOVE going to crops with my cropping group (waving to the Divas) - not much production per crop, but tons of laughs and giggles. They are the best :)

I love collecting stuff online (waving to the Hotties - each day is a laughfest).

Having groups of friends who embrace my OCD and totally understand the feeling of "having to have it all" is quite fun!

Okay so there it is - first entry. Good grief - my husband is going to look at this and have a flashback to letters he used to get from me when we were 15! Pages of I love you SOOOO much ... (grin). He wanted me to name my blog "blah,blah,blog,blog" ... funny guy!



Michelle Russell said...

I love it, Trish!!! And I'll check back often to read more of your ponderings. :)

Betsy said...

Trish, you are just the best! I cannot wait to see your witty prose! You are so talented! Hey, is it too early to start a fan club? : )

Katie said...

Woohoo, Trish! I love it! I'm so glad you started this. I'm joining the fan club, too! :-)


kimble said...

Woohoo, way to go Trish! I giggled through most of that post, big surprise :) I predict a wonderful writing career ahead of you. Love you too!

Star said...

Trish, you rock! Throughly enjoyed it. Gee, does this mean that I will learn how to be as good as you are when it comes to buying scrap book supplies. I don't think I have enough. Since I am one of the first five to post do I get to be a charter member? I hope so, because I love having you as a friend. Well, actually, sister. Go Divas!

Susan said...

Oh I'm so happy to see that you have started a blog. I will be here often! Count me in as a member of your fan club. :-) Oh and yes, lets take some hula lessons!!! Susan