So Molly is enjoying her life in our home ... and she now has several nicknames as well. My friend Nance calls her Doll Face, we refer to her as Little Miss Pee Piddles, but this morning, I've pretty much decided that I like the name DESTRUCTOR because it just fits her only too well. Allow me to explain.
Last weekend we picked up 30 bags of mulch for our back hill along with some plants that we hope will grow and fill in the spaces (and hey its fun to pick out plants named chocolate!)
Anyway, we then put our smarty hats on and put up a fence we innocently (naively?) thought would keep her off the hill ... alas, not so much. She not only gets up on the hill, she runs back and forth gleefully enjoying puppyhood. Only when hearing MOLLY MOLLY yelled from the house does her little Doll Face head turn, the bell goes off and she remembers she's not supposed to be up there! Then, since she can't jump over the fence to get down (its scarey!), she merely runs thru it. So the cute little fence is a crumpled heap while Destructor is doing just fine!
Anyway, here's our gal, Molly, and the path of her destruction ...
This is Molly - and Mr. Hedgehog, one of many of Zeke's toys that she stole from him! Most pictures of Molly have her face hidden ... we think she does this on purpose so she can't be identified in a line-up!
Molly's mulching efforts on the patio ... notice the culprit isn't around!
This used to be a bed of 3-4 foot tall double-bearded irises ... now its Molly's playplen! The fence (the thing that bent and flat in places) apparently doesn't work! (BTW, if you click on the photo, you can see the damage up close like we do - sorta that IMAX experience!)
This is part of our vastly improved retaining wall hill in the back ... it would look much better if certain puppy paws would keep off (and again, no sign of the little vixen anywhere to be seen!)
Today we hope to get the victimized mulch bags off our patio and distributed into the front planters! And we think a trip to Petsmart may be in order so we can find a new Mr. Hedgehog!